
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year

Thoughts for the New Year
 If you are stuck in the same old same old, try something new.Change your hair, you job, 
 your location, your furniture around or your attitude. Remember life is not static, change is                           inevitable and it’s good for you.
Learn Something New
Learn to sew, cook or learn how to fix things. Take up salsa dancing, painting, quilting or 
ping pong. Learn something you don’t know how to do but always wanted to learn.
Get Organized
We all have way too much crap. That is why you see storage places popping up everywhere. 
If you are a collector of whatever…. stop it already, you have enough. Clean it up, throw it out or donate it. Every space does not have to have something on it. Clear your corners, and closet, pick up the stuff that has been sitting around forever. Clean off your dresser, nobody needs to see the lotion or the foot powder or the hair products or the makeup etc. And when you finally do clean, don’t buy    any plastic bins, uses boxes and haul it away.
If you have the money and the time get out of the country. Don’t have that much money? 
Then get out of the state. Go visit friends or family or someone who might enjoy your company 
for a few days. See people in person… Not on Facebook. Plan a get together that is 
not at a wedding or funeral.
Get Healthy
 MAKE TIME for exercise at least 5 days a week, find something you like. Run. 
 If you don’t like running then walk. Swim. Lift weights. Start with 2 to 3 pounds. 
 Do some Yoga or Pilates. Take a class or get some CD’s. Just do it no excuses.
 EAT BETTER. There are hundreds of food plans that you can chose from and
 they all try to tell you what is best. Forget them. And you don’t need to be a vegetarian either.
You just need to do a few things:
       Get off the sugar (fruit sugar included) and processed salt,
      Eat whole foods
      Eat free ranged or hormone free meats
      Drink water
      No preservatives, MSG, or additives.
      Eat some junk once and a while and on holidays, nobody’s perfect
      Drink wine
Embrace Technology
Technology is moving at a rapid pace so keep up. The good old days were fun and all but 
THEY AIN'T COMING BACK, get over it. That doesn't mean that you have 
to scroll through your phone all day and everywhere you go or check email 50 times a day, 
you just need to know how to use it. Get rid of the phone book and all things obsolete, unless valuable.
Let it Go
The resentment, anger, stress, whatever or whoever it is that is causing the ill will… Let it GO.
Get Prepared
Get your house in order, your will, your life insurance, your 401K, your SS info and 
all necessary papers. Keep all your passwords and account numbers on an Excel spread sheet 
and let someone  responsible know where you keep everything. Name the file “You’re Welcome,” because they will thank you.
Happy New Year from indagaHome

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